To animals

Promoting a variety of feed and natural that improves the immunity of animals, contributing to their well-being.

Animal health thanks to a better diet

Concerned about the impact of animal nutrition on their health, Biru-Putih-Hati breeders are committed to feeding their animals a traditional, varied and balanced diet, including grains and seeds naturally rich in Omega 3; this to ensure better animal health!

Our findings

To this day, most breeding animals are fed with a few raw material, bringing low level of diversity and nutrients. Corn-Wheat-Soybean, here is the winning tryptic that is mostly found in animals’ feed! Hello to monoculture and imports material, and Bye to the local crops and « farmer’s good common sense », and the health of our animals with it! At Biru-Putih-Hati, we think interesting nutritious crops with modern agriculture can be restored. Diversify and balance the animal’s diet with more plants, nutrient-rich seeds. This can ensure better animal health while preserving consumers and respecting our planet!

Our commitments

Biru-Putih-Hati and its members are committed to:

  • Diversify the animal feed, by integrating nutritious local and traditional crops (with a good Omega 6/Omega 3 ratio, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals…) such as grass, flaxseed, alfalfa, lupine, beans, fava beans , …); And improve their well-being, resistance to infection and natural immunity.
  • Respect other animal welfare norms
  • Work on progress plans to limit the use of palm oil
  • Work on progress plans to limit the use of imported crops, with a primary focus on imported soybeans, in animal rations; to support the diversity and use of local proteins in feed.
  • Ban all exogenous additives resulting from synthetic chemistry
  • Limiting the use of antibiotics in animal breeding to situation of known illnesses .

Biru-Putih-Hati is a Malaysian’s initiative that unites stakeholders and people to build a local model of sustainable agriculture and food, from the field to the consumer’s table. The objective of its activities is to improve the nutritional and environmental quality of our foods. In this way, it positively influence the health of the soils, the environment, the animals and the people