To the environment

Support biodiversity, improve soil life and the carbon footprint of our food by diversifying the crops on our farms to feed our animals, and reduce methane emissions from cattle.

Offering high quality food that respects our planet

Global warming, loss of biodiversity, soil and air pollution, etc. Every day we are reminded that the planet is suffering, and it becomes more urgent to respond.

If it is customary to point the finger at agriculture as responsible for many of our planet’s ills, one should know that there is not just one good agriculture but SEVERAL and that the reality is far from black or white…

And combining nutrition and environment, can be done with Biru-Putih-Hati!

Our findings

At Biru-Putih-Hati, we cultivate diversity from field to fork!  More diversity in our fields, for richer, healthier, and livelier soils, less monocultures, less pesticides, and more biodiversity in our animals’ feed which improve their greenhouse gas footprint for the greater good of our planet.

Biru-Putih-Hati implements cycle life analyses (CLA) of its products in partnership with public research institutions and agencies internationally recognized for their expertise such as ADEME (French Public Agency for the Environment and Energy Management) and INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment).
In addition, we also progressively deploy an objective of maximum carbon footprint on feed, entering the Biru-Putih-Hati production.

It appears that the impacts of « name » products for the agricultural stage are significantly reduced on the climate change criteria (CO2 impact) and positive impacts also appear on other parameters (eutrophication …).

On top of that, for the cattle sector specifically (dairy and meat), Biru-Putih-Hati   model leads to a natural way to mitigate cattle’s methane’s emissions. For more than ten years, we have been supporting numerous farmers to measure and monitor their methane emissions thanks to a methodology we developed.

It proved that farmers Biru-Putih-Hati can reduce their methane emissions by up to 12% (depending on feeding context).

This approach has been the first world widely officially recognized method for its environmental interest by the United Nations via the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in 2012.

Our commitments

Biru-Putih-Hati and its members are committed to:

  • Bring biodiversity back in fields: grass, alfalfa, flax, lupin, beans, fava beans…
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of finished products (meat, dairy products, eggs, etc.).
  • Measure its ecologic impact thanks to life cycle analyses.
  • Work to limit the palm oil in animals ‘feed.
  • Strongly work to integrate local protein sources as an alternative to imported crops, such as soybeans.

Biru-Putih-Hati is a Malaysian’s initiative that unites stakeholders and people to build a local model of sustainable agriculture and food, from the field to the consumer’s table. The objective of its activities is to improve the nutritional and environmental quality of our foods. In this way, it positively influence the health of the soils, the environment, the animals and the people